
Most fun rogue spec legion
Most fun rogue spec legion

most fun rogue spec legion most fun rogue spec legion

It's such a pain to get up on top of the tree that dying to the mother bird is a devastating blow.

most fun rogue spec legion

Note: This is one of the few points on my heavily contested PVP server where I have ALWAYS seen Alliance and Horde working together. And if you try it with anything less than full health, you'll probably die. After that, you need to use the trampoline to get on top of a tree, steal an egg, and defeat the angry mother bird who comes to attack you (a 66 elite.) This means that you have to click off the trampoline's "float" buff at the exact point when it'll get you onto the tree. Basically, you need to collect gas from air elementals to power the "Jump-a-tron", which is a trampoline for some reason. Details: This is either one of the most fun or the most frustrating quests in Outland, depending on your sense of depth perception.Rogue rewards: Delicate Green Poncho or Nomad's Cloak.Starts with: I Must Have Them! from Wazat in Nagrand (61,67).Sorry, you'll have to get that Hauberk of Karabor by yourself. Note: This only includes non-dungeon quests. So in the spirit of helping our newbie brothers and sisters, Encrypted Text presents the top ten must-do Outland quests for rogues, with their corresponding rewards and tips to help you through them.

most fun rogue spec legion

Will skipping this quest leave me out of a fantastic chain quest reward, or just save me hours of searching through fel droppings? And with the myriad number of quests out there for levelers, it can be hard sometimes to figure out which ones to focus on. A lot of rogues - whether they be alts, new players, or just seriously behind the times - are still struggling through the levels. Sometimes, in all the drama of raiding and arenas and new patch days, we forget that not all rogues are 70 and geared out the watoozle.

Most fun rogue spec legion